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Star Motor Insurance – Star Assurance

Star Motor Insurance Policy is designed to take care of liabilities to third parties as well as your vehicle due to accidental damage, fire, theft and bodily injuries in accordance with the Third-party Insurance Act (1958). Policy options include Third party Insurance, Third party Fire and Theft and Comprehensive packages

Star Accident Insurance – Star Assurance

The personal accident insurance or PA insurance is an annual policy which provides compensation in the event if injuries, disabilities or death solely caused by violent, accident, external and visible events. You make either take PA policy for yourself or a group policy for your family, protecting you and them.

Star Travel Insurance – Star Assurance

“Star Travel Policy” No matter where you are headed around the globe, our plans help provide coverage for international travel. It is designed to cover clients travelling abroad who may sustain an injury as a result of an accident. The policy provides cover for hospitalization fee and repatriation of the corpse in case of death and loss of baggage.

Enterprise Motor Insurance – Enterprise Insurance Company

The Enterprise Motor Insurance Policy is designed to take care of liabilities to third parties as well as your vehicle resulting from damage, fire, theft and body injuries in accordance with the third-party insurance Act 1958.

Enterprise Travel Insurance – Enterprise Insurance Company

This product is designed for anyone intending to travel outside the borders of Ghana.
Travel insurance is a short-term policy that covers medical expenses and some other financial losses that could arise while you are away from home on a trip, whether it is for business or recreation.
At Enterprise, our Travel insurance is in partnership with MAPFRE, an internationally recognized insurance company with high reputation.

Enterprise Personal Accident Insurance – Enterprise Insurance Company

The Personal Accident Policy provides compensation against death or injury arising from accidental, violent, external and visible means. A capital sum is payable for death. The policy holder is also given compensation for loss of limbs, eyesight, etc.

StarLife Supreme Homecall Plan – StarLife Assurance Company Limited

The StarLife Supreme HomeCall Plan is a whole life funeral policy which provides insured individuals and family members with cash to enable them organize befitting burial and funeral ceremonies for their loved ones.

Enterprise Life Assurance – AkwantuPa – Enterprise Life Assurance Ltd

AkwantuPa is an ingenious product by Enterprise Life designed for Ghanaians living abroad. It is designed to ensure that handling financial responsibilities towards your loved ones back home is easy and stress free! AkwantuPa pays out a lump sum cash benefit upon the demise of family members who live in Ghana, to finance their burial rites.